FAIL: Fish Creek Vet Hospital YYC
Story time
Friday: call vet to inform them of an issue my dog was having & had previously had.
Was told *NOT* to bring him in, they can fill a script in 24 hours ... Read More
FAIL: Fish Creek Vet Hospital YYC
Story time
Friday: call vet to inform them of an issue my dog was having & had previously had.
Was told *NOT* to bring him in, they can fill a script in 24 hours or less & will call when it’s ready.
Saturday: 24 hours has passed, no call.
Saturday: 26.5 hours, I call sit on hold, get hung up on, waste almost 20 mins messing around on the phone, find out his meds had been ready & I can pick it up. Drive 25 mins there, pay leave, 25 min drive, get home. Open envelope with meds & see 3 syringes, give dog 1st dose on Saturday at 3pm. Realized the meds they have given was a smaller amount than they had previously given. Read the package & it seemed off (the amount of medication & doses didn’t add up) I assumed they were giving him 3 syringes instead of 6 or 7 which they had previously given him (because I trusted them) & I’m thinking great must be a stronger dose & will work faster.
Give him the 3 doses over 3 days every 24 hours - saw improvement, about 40-50% better - I know he has to be crated while recovering, I assumed the medication will continue to work while I continue to crate him.
Monday 3 pm was his last does.
Thursday: I hadn’t notice enough improvement since Tuesday which caused some concern because at this stage prior there was significant improvement. (He also had the correct dose & amount of syringes he was suppose to have prior)
I call back Thurs. to let them know & get some help. I tell the receptionist everything that’s going on & she informed that I should’ve received 7 syringes, not 3 & that I had paid for all 7 & that the dose was wrong too. Then I get put on hold so the receptionist could go talk to the vet & get a plan. She comes back to let me know that they needed the Envelope that the syringes came in before they will correct their mistakes - for what I assume is to prove I’m not lying!? (Why else would they need it?)
& OF COURSE the envelope was already in the garbage & YES, I went to get it out for my dog.
Receptionist on the phone then tells me to send her a pic of the envelope OR bring it in & they’ll make the remaining syringes when I get there.
Before I get off the phone, I ask her specifically is it going to effect my dog that he had three doses, then hasn’t had a dose in a couple days? She says that won’t be an issue he can have the other 4 doses safely.
I get the envelope, drive another 25 minutes to get the rest of the medication. I get there & now have to start this entire conversation with another new person. Give her the envelope & she says hold on I’ll go find out what’s going on. (Find out what’s going on!?!? What?!? I just did all this on the phone. We already figured it out?!?!? hence why I just drove here!)
She comes back 2-3 minutes later & asks me why I didn’t call earlier. I tell her I thought you intentionally gave him 3. (At this point does that even matter?! I am already there & shouldn’t you people have been the ones to check the medication and make sure it was correct in the first place?!?)
Then she leaves again comes back about 5 mins later & let me know that she won’t be giving him the rest of the medication because it could be harmful to him, he needs an exam now! $$$$ LIKE WHAT TF?!?! (but he didn’t 5 days ago or 45 mins ago on the phone!) She says after three doses he should be 100% better. If he’s not 100% better than he needs an exam.
Then I ask, “If 3 doses was enough to make him 100% better why prescribe 7 to him?” 🤯 this time or the previous 2 times?!
She says “it’s just a precaution” that they gave 7. (I’m thinking BS right away - they gave more than double the needed meds and charge you for that?!) that’s not only ripping me off, but that’s putting my dog in danger too!!) so she’s either lying or they’ve been ripping me off and putting my dog jeopardy for three years. It’s either or and both scenarios are bad. She then says the only thing she can do is refund the money for the medication he didn’t receive. (Greaaaat (sarcastic af) I can use that for the gas that you all just wasted.) Either way I’m already out the money at this point. She then continues to say that I can bring my dog back in tonight or tmw - this means drive home 25 mins, get the dog - that’s supposed to be crated right now according to them - drive back there, another 25 mins, pay for an exam, that he didn’t need 5 days ago, (after improvement) then pay for more medication that I already paid for in the first place, then drive another 25 mins home. Like crazy lying lady, nooo! I do not trust any of you now with my dog’s safety and health at this point.
If this isn’t the SLIMMEST SCAM I’ve ever seen. This Vet is money hungry and do not care about the welfare of your pet.
Not only was this all completely preventable if they had done their jobs correctly in the first place, second place or third place but they could’ve corrected their mistakes today. Instead made it worse by lying, wasting more of my dogs time, my time, more money & an hour of my life & had no remorse doing.
Save your money and go somewhere else before you get scammed too. Read Less