The head vetinary nurse Sarah turned away a pooly hedghog and refused too see it, and the other vet stood at the door just went along wiTh it!!! She said to contact Wildthings organsiation instead, wh... Read More
The head vetinary nurse Sarah turned away a pooly hedghog and refused too see it, and the other vet stood at the door just went along wiTh it!!! She said to contact Wildthings organsiation instead, who just said contact the vets!. When I told wildthings,they were outraged and said Foxhall "They have a duty of care!". So unfortunately hedgyhog not got seen for 24 hrs and died (it had bleeding wounds, injured smelly sepsis leg, and maybe flystrike). Kirks vets in Sleafurd said Foxhall were naughty! And i was told it was actuelay breaking the law , and that I should report it to the British Vetinary Association, which I did, and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (I won't name the orgasination that told me to, to keep things peaceful...). The Royal College of Vetinery Surgeons are goung to investigate for turning away an animal in an emegency, and may or may not result in seriouse professianle malpractise. Apart from this, Foxhall has been GOOD vets, with some awesome staff working there, and way better than Metheringham vets (IMO), and I trust the owner Tracey who genuinlry cars about thrme amialns, and sorry to kind Tracy for having to report this. But I had to report and also do this review in case other wildlife animals are turned away and left to die.. Sarah DID eventuly agree to see the hedgyhog, but only becausr I got angry with both the vets and said NO anmilal should be turned away, but by then I did not hand the hog over because she didnt seem to care at all and so I decided to let someone that was kind and caring examine the hedhog instead. But Orchard house had no vet there in the morning, and hog was very very ill, so I had no choice but to ring Foxhall knowin it would be put down, bit Sarah put phone down on me because she didnt believe what Wildthings had said and stuff. So I had to bike 9 miles to Kirks vet inSaleaford, with a bad swollen knee, and after prostate srugery, on a bike with a back tire too flat to he riding it. But i got the little cutey seen too, but he had been 24 hrs no fluids or antibiotics and was put down :(. This Steven, Jennifers son writing this btw, but my Mum Jennifer is aware and agrees with this is review so it's a review from both the us. (Also btw!!! if you ever get your dog or cat put down anywhere at any vets, they inject that green stuff that stops the heart, but have you noticsed that for a just the second beforer it dies, it always suddenly bolts up and looks terrified for a brief moment!? I have, with my cats put down,,, so please always ask for a general anestgetic to be given to your pet frist! Read Less