Money grabbers, my dog recently had a abscess, when it first formed they said it was just a hard lump but needed to have X rays, needed to have biopsy, needed to have this n that.
This was June... o... Read More
Money grabbers, my dog recently had a abscess, when it first formed they said it was just a hard lump but needed to have X rays, needed to have biopsy, needed to have this n that.
This was June... on New Year's Day it was 3x the size it was to start n looked full of puss, she sat down on bathroom floor n it popped on its own, a lot of puss came out so I cleaned her with salt water and it kept oozing obv for a few days until it's core came out, she was in a mess the second day so took her here. Again they said it was a hard lump that had just ruptured and they would clean her up, they then said we have booked you in tomorrow for n operation.
Hold on, they didn't even ask, they then carried on to tell me the price, £700 I said why straight to surgery and no antibiotics? The vet said it will never heal she will always have a hole in her neck she needs the lump removing and then stitching up.
I wanted anti Bs, she said won't do anything, I told her she is my dog I make the call not her, its never about money always what's best for my girl. The lump has now supsided, It is still a little hard at one side but is going down, the hole scabbed over and is almost heal. Con men. Full of workers who just want to Con you with miserable staff.
Companion care where loads better. My girl didn't need surgery she needed antibiotics, so I'm not happy with this place at all.....
At least pets at home are friendly and polite
Thanks for the reply, I've used the vets there for years and before that companion care in chesterfield. After not cleaning her cyst out correctly to start with and jumping straight to saying surgery is needed I will NEVER trust you again to do what is best for my dog. To me she's like a child so you have lost my custom, not that you will be bothered you can con a few more people to make lost revenue. I came back home that day and an hour later I squeezed and cleaned it and got what can only be described as rice pudding textured puss out of the hole, no blood. All they did was shave her hair and try and con me. Staff are polite don't get me wrong however I don't appreciate being treat like a walking ATM.
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