Like Wendy, I've been going to Napa Small more than 25 years and through 5 dogs. I've seen them grow, and their front desk with two receptionists are constantly answering phones, getting answers to qu... Read More
Like Wendy, I've been going to Napa Small more than 25 years and through 5 dogs. I've seen them grow, and their front desk with two receptionists are constantly answering phones, getting answers to questions, putting people on hold, dealing with lobby emergencies and getting clients into their visitation rooms with all data at the technician's or vet's fingertips. It's amazing how they handle it all. Their medical care is the finest, in my opinion, in Napa. Tracy came into my... home when I had to put down one of my dogs, and as I said the eulogy I had prepared, both she and tech's eyes were brimming with tears. These doctors do truly care about people's pets. Receptionists come and go. Perhaps your experience can be chalked up to a new receptionist who got confused. Goodness knows, if I were on those phones my brain would be fried in ten minutes. For those reading this, I always get follow up calls. I'm able to express concern and get them to juggle schedules to get my dogs in without the urgent care cost. When my then 13 year old suffered from a vestibular incident I thought it was a heart attack. They were outside waiting for me when I pulled in and immediately put her on oxygen and a guerney only to have Dr. Tracy recognize this was an inner ear condition not a heart attack. On that day I was on the verge of a heart attack worrying about my beloved Comet, and their fast reactions gave me a great sense of relief. I knew she was a sick puppy, but that she was in the finest care. She is now 15 years old. I could tell other stories of how the docs at Napa Small have saved my pets, but suffice it to say that I have show dogs and would not entrust their care to anyone but Napa Small. Laura Dayton, Astro's Agility, Napa, CA See More Read Less