I have to shout out to the world how proud I am of the hospital I work/sweat blood and tears for: Sierra madre animal hospital, Dr Cailleteau, Mary, Scott, Cheney, Carina, Matt, mrs squirrel when she ... Read More
I have to shout out to the world how proud I am of the hospital I work/sweat blood and tears for: Sierra madre animal hospital, Dr Cailleteau, Mary, Scott, Cheney, Carina, Matt, mrs squirrel when she was there...and Ilene too (and maybe myself). I have a friend from the american legion post 280...he happens to be famous (even tho he doesn't think so, and definitely doesn't act like he is) named Mr Anonymous. He was the helicopter pilot for The news that I used to embarrass myself about with my friends when he'd fly around fires, car pursuits....cool stuff. Anyway, he asked me about His Kitty and his swollen jaw the other day. He was willing to come to see SMAH when he usually went elsewhere. I saw him today, he was SO impressed with Dr Cailleteau, the staff, how nice our hospital looked...and that his kitty is doing fantastic! Also, he's bringing Mr Kitty tomorrow for a recheck (but I think to show off how great of a cat dad he is)!Read Less