I've waited too long to do this, but finally changing vets. I've had enough of this place. I have been taking my pets to Princeton as long as I've lived in the area (about 15 years). they are expen... Read More
I've waited too long to do this, but finally changing vets. I've had enough of this place. I have been taking my pets to Princeton as long as I've lived in the area (about 15 years). they are expensive, and I think, do too many unnecessary tests. Oh, and Dr Sanders nearly killed my cat... A couple years ago, my daughter got a new kitten. We went to Princeton for vacinations. That night, the cat started having seizures. the vet (dr sanders) called it "coincidence." So he is on medication FOREVER to control the seizures. the vet requires regular, frequent exams and blood tests to prescribe the meds. At first, they were sending me to a special pharmacy in santa clara for them, saying there were no alternatives. The meds cost about $120 per month!!! after way too long of this, i did some research on my own and made more of a fuss. then suddenly they decided they could order from an online place, that costs about $50 for a 6-month supply!!! of course, the vet always wants to prescribe only small amounts so they can ensure maximum $$ for them on office visits (which she insists on before she will do a refill)Well that was all fine, until they decided to change the dose, and grossly miscalculated things. Dr Sanders ended up prescribing a dose that was 5x stronger than it should have been, and nearly killed our cat. I spent days watching him suffer, thinking he would die any minute... and she indicated it was very possible that would happen. Hundreds of dollars in vet bills. Finally, another vet in the practice discovered the error. She didn't seem to want to admit what had happened, but did end up telling me. At that point, they stopped charging me for the follow up visits. And mysteriously, Dr Sanders stopped seeing my pets. I eventually had to ask about a refund for all the bills I paid for the vet's mistake - they sure as heck weren't volunteering to pay for their own screw up. They did give back the money (eventually), but it didn't get me back the added money paid to the emergency clinic. And Dr Sanders has never even appologized!!! No, she just doens't see my animals anymore... they just shuffled me to the other doc and pretended it didn't happen. How can you make such a huge error and not even take the time to say "i'm sorry"?!!?! So my cat is about out of meds again... and they want $275 to do an exam and extensive blood panel. Just to be able to refill his meds (which are an extra cost). Oh, and they say he needs his vaccines. The ones that caused this whole mess in the first place? I don't think so... we have an appt with a new vet for later today. Hoping they are honest and competent people. Cuz the folks at princeton just seem to be after your $$$$. Read Less