I brought my cat in to check on a swollen foot, the cat had no trouble putting weight on the foot, but the vet insisted I put him threw x-rays. They took him in another room and the vet informed me I ... Read More
I brought my cat in to check on a swollen foot, the cat had no trouble putting weight on the foot, but the vet insisted I put him threw x-rays. They took him in another room and the vet informed me I should put him down because of his age, nothing to do with his foot. I told her his is active and happy, she insisted over and over until I make it clear. After 15 minutes a vet assistant ran into the room and told me my cat was dying, I ran to the other room where they had him on a steel table with a mask attached to his face. I took the mask off of him and grabbed him and ran to my car. My wife stayed to pay them the $200 they wanted for the check up and x-ray that was impossible to make anything out on. The vet said he was brain dead and would be dead before we got home. He had a stroke when they were doing whatever they were doing to him in that room, I took him home and he slowly recovered somewhat. Half his face was no longer functional, and he stopped walking around much, but his foot went back to normal. He lived another month until he stopped eating, and I was forced to have a vet service come to my home to put him down. Before I went to Smoky Hill Vet. Clinic my cat ran around and jumped up on the couch with me, they changed that in a 30 minute "check-up". A different vet later told me that swollen feet happen to older cats and its no big deal. The vet at Smoky HIll was an older lady, she was extremely confident in her opinions and pushy, I am not confident in her knowledge, and was very dissappointed in her lack of compassion. She upsold me on the x-ray which was un-nessasary, un-productive and unwise givin that my cat was old and clearly scared. She attempted to upsell me on killing my cat for another $200 dollars. I don't know what they did to my cat in that room, and I wont speculate, but I'm very, very suspicous and saddend by the whole experience. I will never get another pet. Read Less