I wasn't pleased with my last experience at this clinic and would recommend you take your pet to a veterinary emergency center, such as the Hope Center in Rockville, if your cat is experiencing a true... Read More
I wasn't pleased with my last experience at this clinic and would recommend you take your pet to a veterinary emergency center, such as the Hope Center in Rockville, if your cat is experiencing a true emergency and you have the money for X-Rays and ultrasounds. I'll first say that the people at the Practice, the techs especially, were friendly and caring and I didn't suffer a long waiting time on any of my visits. However, during my last visit and the subsequent phone call neither vet was particularly communicative, and they provided virtually no information on possible diagnoses or treatment options. I brought my cat over as she was clearly in distress, extremely vocal, eating very little, sitting in one place for hours on end, and having difficulty walking. She was old for a cat, about 16, her hair had become very matted and she was not allowing me to brush it. The vet and the tech tried getting her to walk to see if a leg or hip might be injured, unsuccessfully tried cleaning out the mats - the cat screamed throughout and wouldn't let them - and drew some blood. I was rather surprised that they didn't take any X-Rays. ��They apparently lack effective X-Ray equipment. The vet didn't provide any info on possible diagnoses or prognoses and just seemed to disappear, leaving me with the techs. I spent over $300, apparently for the tests, and was told I would get a call when the results came in. I was given pain killing medication to administer in the meantime - five days worth. A couple of days later, the other vet called me and told me that all her test results were within normal ranges, and she had no recommendations. Finally, when I pressed her, she told me I could take her to the Hope Center for more sophisticated tests, and that the Cat Practice lacked ultrasound or other equipment. Would you see a dentist who lacked X-Ray or other dental equipment needed to diagnose and treat your symptoms? I asked if I could get more pain killing medication, and she told me they didn't normally prescribe more than five days worth. A couple of days later, my cat had completely stopped eating, stopped moving, and was yowling in pain. I took her to the Hope Center where she had an ultrasound and chest X-Rays, I learned that she had nodules on her spleen, a mass on one of her ribs, and a mass around her lungs - almost surely cancer which had metastasized. I was also, in contrast to what I was informed at the Cat Practice, told that her kidneys were not functioning well. Given her clear distress and the lack of any likelihood that treatment would provide any meaningful relief or prolong her life, we decided to euthanize her. It was a horrible experience that most pet owners go through at some time in their lives. The lack of communication from the vets at the Cat Practice regarding possible diagnoses, tests or courses of treatment was not appreciated during this stressful period. Again, the technicians at the Practice were friendly and attentive, but the service, in my opinion, left a good deal to be desired. Read Less