I called just before midnight, and described my dog's symptoms to the male receptionist--and he said it "sounded like marijuana poisoning". Arrived at midnight, paid 400 Dollars up. front. (My credi... Read More
I called just before midnight, and described my dog's symptoms to the male receptionist--and he said it "sounded like marijuana poisoning". Arrived at midnight, paid 400 Dollars up. front. (My credit is excellent). The male receptionist took vitals while weighing my dog, and said they were ok, but my dog's GAIT and BREATHING were compromised and he took my dog to the back. I kept asking about the vitals, because the receptionist did not use any instruments. That receptionist began shoving pages of paperwork at me to sign, like CPR, and also the right to euthanize if needed. Meanwhile I'm wondering HOW compromised my dog really is, because he was able to "walk" into the facility, but the receptionist said it would be awhile, so I signed the paperwork, but I ALSO KEPT ASKING WHEN I COULD BE WITH MY DOG--BY HIS SIDE IN CASE HE DIED. (Years Ago I had taken my other dog there, and the VET LET ME STAY WITH MY DOG). Everything went from bad to worse. I kept asking if my dog's VITALS were STABLE, because that's what the "receptionist" had said: "They weren't out of the ordinary" -- Just his hair and breathing appeared sick -- like he had either gotten into "marijuana" or some chocolate or antifreeze. Which he had not. I had to ask over and over when I could go be with my beloved dog, and then, another tech took me to a room, and took a history of what had transpired leading up to the onset of my dog's symptoms. She also said they were "Trying to stabilize him", and that the VET would come speak to me shortly. When I asked, WERE THE VITALS WITHIN NORMAL RANGE -- She said she "Didn't know". And I said, well, I think I deserve to know at least THAT much, and if she was telling me he was "unstable" then, Why couldn't c she tell me whether his vitals were abnormal? She also said they had an "IV hooked up to him to TRY to stabilize him", and when I asked if they were ELECTROLYTES - She said she did NOT KNOW!! ----Now I am TOTALLY panicking because I'm terrified my dog might DIE WITHOUT ME BESIDE HIM. And that, compounded with that male receptionist coming to stick MORE paperwork in my face, and demanding I sign immediate payment for another $1100 some odd dollars, WITHOUT LETTING ME BE WITH MY DOG WHOM I NOW TOLD IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE - AND - GOING INTO SHOCK -- I begged, I pleaded, I SHOWED him my CREDIT CARD that they'd already charged $400 on -- And Said, You CAN HAVE THE CREDIT CARD - BUT I HAVE TO SEE MY DOG!! From here, it turned into a full-scale battle. And, I did not even KNOW Whether My Dog Was Even Going To Make It Or Not - And in My Mind - I HAD To See Him - In "case" I decided I'd like to either have him put down, or just bring him HOME. This male receptionist would NOT page the doctor to LET ME BE WITH MY DOG - So That I Could ALSO have MY OWN VISUAL INSPECTION.. He kept repeating himself: "Pay the $1100 And YOU CAN SEE YOUR DOG" -- Basically HOLDING MY DOG HOSTAGE WHILE HE DETERIORATED - SO THEY COULD "Shake Me Down" Whether My Dog Was Dead Or Alive. . . I even threatened to Call The Police. . . They Finally Brought My Dog To Me -- All Because I Had To THREATEN To JUST LEAVE, SO I COULD SEE HIM. He died last night at home with me. And one word describes that "Emergency" Animal Hospital:. Despicable. Read Less