Dr. Mark Schlesinger should have retired from Veterinary Medicine long ago. He failed to diagnose acute pancreatitis in one of my dogs. The dog had gross hemetemesis, was lethargic, and needed emerg... Read More
Dr. Mark Schlesinger should have retired from Veterinary Medicine long ago. He failed to diagnose acute pancreatitis in one of my dogs. The dog had gross hemetemesis, was lethargic, and needed emergent, inpatient admission with IV fluids and antibiotics. He failed to perform adequate tests, including amylase and lipase, to diagnose pancreatitis and did not administer IV fluids. He could not read his own x-ray which showed the Sentinel loop which was one of the diagnostic indicators of pancreatitis. In spite of the fact that a medical student should know that with an acute gastrointestinal bleed, the patient needs serial monitoring of electrolytes, hemoglogin, and hemotocrit, the dog was disharged to home after only a four hour observation with a single H/H measurement and no intravenous fluids. Incredibly, in spite of the standard of care for pancreatitis requiring gut rest, this incredibly incompetent veterinarian advocated small sips of fluids. He stated that the dog could be brought back for further evaluation if she did not improve and that SURGERY could potentially be performed.Sure enough, the dog could not tolerate even small amounts of fluids upon the return post. The dog developed projectile hematochezia, became extremely lethargic, and showed signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation, a life threatening emergency. In spite of the posted hours for the clinic showing that the doctor would be there well into the early evening, the staff admitted that the vet was gone for the day. The staff further admitted that in spite of the clinic's title of being an animal HOSPITAL, the facility did not provide overnight care for animals and that therapy was guided to avoid inpatient treatment, regardless of whether that would be in the best interest of the animal or not. The vet would not speak with me and I was advised to take the dog to a facility that would not be open for over another hour.I trusted my own clinical judgment, which was obviously far superior to his, and took the dog to a different facility which was open at that time. The dog had lost four pounds in just the few hours since she was seen at Rocky River Animal Hospital. The staff at the second facility concurred that the dog had life threatening pancreatitis with developing DIC. The dog was immediately admitted and given serial monitoring of H/H, IV fluids, and IV antibiotics. Because of my own clinical experience, I was able to get my dog the immediate treatment that she urgently needed to save her life. Had I not graduated from medical school and instead been a lay person with no medical training and relied upon Dr. Schlessinger's incompetent and negligent advice, my dog would likely have died. I will NEVER EVER recommend Dr. Schlessinger or Rocky River Animal Hospital to ANYBODY. I would strongly advise the public to avoid this dangerous facility. A lay person especially needs to work with a competent and caring clinician who can be trusted to do what is right for the animal and not for the clinician's convenience, this is obviously not Dr. Schlessinger or Rocky River Animal Hospital. Read Less