Let me start this off with a little note about convenience. Β Sometimes we utilize services or businesses because of their convenience due to proximity. We also negate the monetary impact due to the co... Read More
Let me start this off with a little note about convenience. Β Sometimes we utilize services or businesses because of their convenience due to proximity. We also negate the monetary impact due to the convenience of proximity telling ourselves we saved time which is more valuable to us. Well today that malarky was proven to be B.S. to its highest point!If you haven't noticed on my latest reviews and check ins......my family and I just got back home from visiting family in New Orleans. Our dog, a Maltese named Snowball, isn't a good travel companion so we must board him every time we leave town. We've had an issue boarding Snowball at Greatwood Vetinary Hospital once before and was assured that it was an isolated incident and wouldn't be repeated. This is where convenience bit me in the bud! The day before we we're to depart on our trip Animal Inn, the place we had been boarding Snowball after the aforementioned incident, informed us that he now needs a flu shot. Instead of leaving work early to get this done I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to forgo all of that hassle and decided to utilize the convenient location near the house to board our dog which was GWVH where a flu shot is not required. Surely we wouldn't have the same problem again and it was just for four days. I stopped by to pick my dog up in the morning before heading to work. One of the ladies at the desk went to the back to retrieve him. She came back without my dog and proceeded to tell me that my dog had a little urine on his coat, and then asked if I wanted to leave him to be cleaned by their groomer at an additional charge! Β I lost it because this is the same thing that happened last time. Mind you I did not drop him off dirty, he's a house dog and is groomed on a regular schedule, but now that I'm picking him up from a boarding I am asked if I want to wait longer to pick my dog up and pay for him to be cleaned because of the lack of care provided by GWVH.......AGAIN! Β I paid the $74.00 bill and asked them to just give me my dog. I called Petco Grooming and asked them if they had an immediate opening which they obliged due to the circumstances and my dog is groomed there regularly. Yes I went off on the two ladies at the front desk of GWVH before heading out the door asking them for some logical explanation as to what happened that my dog was covered in urine. They looked at me as if I was the idiot and gave the most nonchalant and lack luster response which sent me beyond livid!!!! Β I just had to get out of there before I forgot I was an educated professional and my choice of words went beyond those used by a sane person. I left my dog in his portable kennel because I was already dressed for work and didn't want to have to change because he was so excited to see me. He would've jumped all over me before we got to the groomers putting urine on my clothes and all over my truck. This was one of those days I wished I had left my truck at home and drove my company car. When I walked through the door at Petco the first thing the groomer asked was why was Snowball in his kennel. I usually carry him in because he likes to get some wind while I drive. While explaining what happened I let Snowball out of his kennel and the smell of urine intensified so much the groomer and I both wrinkled up our faces in protest of the acrid smell of urine. You gotta see the pics. After seeing this I went back to GWVH and demanded I speak with the Veterinarian. I spoke with Dr. Anderson who apologized for the incident and went on to inform me that the dogs may have been overly stressed because of the fireworks the previous night due to the 4th of July fireworks celebrations in the area. Although the first time this happened there weren't any fireworks. At any rate I felt better after discussing this with the doctor and his explanation and apology was enough unlike the two ladies at the front desk who gave the impression that they could care less and just wanted a paycheck. The doctor also offered a full refund, but I declined. I informed him that his apology was enough, and I would appreciate him covering the cost of grooming which he agreed to. For me this was a lesson learned. Vetinary hospitals are are merely a hospital for animals. GWVH has provided excellent care for my dog in the past in reference to hospital related reasons. He's had shots, checkups, teeth pulled, and surgery there with no issues. Boarding him there has been our only issue. Good Vetinary doctors tend to provide excellent care for animals and genuinely love them. Some of their employees.......well some may love animals, but it appears here they are merely concerned with getting paid, and customer service isn't high on their list. Thanks Dr. Anderson for rectifying the problem, but due to your staff.......I won't be back. It's not worth the convenience due to your proximity to my residence. Read Less