Based on our experience, If your animal needs emergency assistance we highly recommend getting here quickly. We found this place based on our veterinarian's automated phone system's referral...
We pu... Read More
Based on our experience, If your animal needs emergency assistance we highly recommend getting here quickly. We found this place based on our veterinarian's automated phone system's referral...
We purchased a new to us home a few years ago, and moved in without a hitch. That next Christmas, the family got a Golden Retriever puppy from a very reputable breeder. His is 100% part of the family, but almost didn't make it.
At about 6 moths old, the hound was frolicking around in the driveway and garage with me while I was washing a car. Suddenly, i noticed that he had his head jammed under the HVAC system in the garage... and I called to him to come to me. He did, but he had something in his mouth.
That something was a small pouch of rat/mouse poison that the prior owner must have tossed under the HVAC system. Never knew it was there, but could see that the dog had chewed it open as the granular material was everywhere.
Called the vet - but it was the weekend and they were not open. Their voicemail message referred us to this critical care facility if we felt there was a real emergency.
We called this center, and they quickly explained the dire impact that this type of poison could have on a dog... and directed us on how to quickly try and get the dog to vomit and asked us to get there pronto.
We did all that while on the go, car seats and floors be darned, and made it to the clinic in record time. They took the remnants of the packet and then rushed the dog into their treatment room to flush and pump his stomach and do something with charcoal... not 100% sure of the entire process.
The staff was wonderful. Our kids were upset, as were we, but the staff's demeanor was great... though honest about the possibility of system shutdown. They kept the dog for two days and we picked him up on the third day, his bouncy, almost normal self. took a few more days for the charcoal to completely work through his system, but all was well thereafter.
A couple years have gone by now and we continue to be thankful for what they did. Great facility. Caring staff. effective treatment for our hound doggy. Can you put a price on that? Read Less