33 Reviews

Ophtalmo Veterinaire

Montreal, Quebec
General Info

La clinique vétérinaire d'ophtalmologie Ophtalmo Vétérinaire inc. offre exclusivement des soins oculaires dans un environnement combinant confort et haute technologie. Tout a été pensé pour offrir aux clients et aux animaux un service d'exception.


The clinic ophtalmo veterinaire inc. exclusively offers treatments for ocular diseases in animals, in an environment that combines comfort and high technology. Everything has been thought to offer an exceptionnal service to clients and their pets. 

Peter Leupold
24 May 2023
Visiting Ophtalmo Veterinaire was as wonderful an experience as one could have when their fur baby has a problem! Our best friend, “Mister Cooper” had a fast growing tumor on his eyelid that required ... Read More
Visiting Ophtalmo Veterinaire was as wonderful an experience as one could have when their fur baby has a problem! Our best friend, “Mister Cooper” had a fast growing tumor on his eyelid that required surgery. Thanks to Louise Provost at reception, all the technicians and especially veterinary ophthalmologist & surgeon Dr. Marie-Piers Boutin for the best experience and result. 🐾💕 Read Less
Review Image
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Thank you so much for your comments. i will pass your words to Dre boutin and the rest of our team. It was really nice to treat Mister Cooper as he is a great dog and patient !! We are glad he is doing well . Thanks Dr ollivier
6 Sep 2021
Absolutely one of the best clinics in Montreal! Dr. Ollivier and his staff are professional and friendly, and I always get the best care. I am a German Shepherd dog and I get overly excited when we ... Read More
Absolutely one of the best clinics in Montreal! Dr. Ollivier and his staff are professional and friendly, and I always get the best care. I am a German Shepherd dog and I get overly excited when we go out. But the staff understands my personality and knows how to take care of me. On our last visit to the clinic, it was a very hot and humid day, and when we were greeted at the door, Louise asked my mommy if she wanted a glass of water! What a kind gesture, to think of my owner and not just about me! Thank you! for the care you provide me to help me stay healthy! Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
9 Sep 2021
I would like to take the time to thank you for your very nice comment but also for your understanding regarding the disease that has Atlas as it is a chronic one and he is a nice dog but nervous so not easy to treat . I know you do the best for him and i ma sure he knows this . Our objective is of course to treat the animal but we also want the owner and the animal to have the best , least stressful visit with us. And i think we now got it to function with atlas !! Thanks. Dr ollivier
Laura M
16 Apr 2021
We brought our 16 year old cat to Dr. Ollivier for 2 growths on her eyelids. We didn't consider getting them removed until they blocked her vision as she is a senior cat. We were nervous to put her th... Read More
We brought our 16 year old cat to Dr. Ollivier for 2 growths on her eyelids. We didn't consider getting them removed until they blocked her vision as she is a senior cat. We were nervous to put her through surgery and all that comes with it. Dr. Ollivier examined her and advised us that she is a good candidate for the surgery. He was clear, informative, enthusiastic and put us at ease. We decided to book the surgery right away. On the day of surgery, Dr. Ollivier invited us to download an app to get updates about her throughout the whole process as we couldn't enter the premises during covid. We received messages and photos which put our minds at ease. The communication was clear and concise. The follow up appointment went quickly and smoothly as well. Dr. Ollivier and his staff are very gentle and comforting. Our little girl got her vision back and a new lease on life. We couldn't reccomend this clinic more! It was a pleasure. Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
17 Apr 2021
WOW !! THANKS a lot for this nice comment. I will share it with my team for sure . I am glad first we were able to help your kitty and that we obtain such a good results ...she is good now for a bunch of years !!! And i am also glad that you , as her parents , had a good experience with our clinic as it is always stressful for parents !!! THANKS. Dr ollivier
17 Mar 2021
Je suis allé voir cet ophtalmologue par référence de mon vétérinaire, car mon chien avait une conjonctivite assez sévère. Suite à la consultation qui a durée à peu près 10 minutes, car il voulait fai... Read More
Je suis allé voir cet ophtalmologue par référence de mon vétérinaire, car mon chien avait une conjonctivite assez sévère. Suite à la consultation qui a durée à peu près 10 minutes, car il voulait faire vite mon chien faisait une diarrhée, il m’a dit que le système immunitaire de mon chien attaquait ses glandes lacrymales, kerato-conjonctivite, « maladie des yeux séchés ». Je lui ai demandé s’il avait pris une prise de sang pour faire ce diagnostic, il m’a répondu NON inquiété vous pas ça fait 20 ans que je fais ce métier. J’ai pensé à ce moment-là que ce commentaire n’était pas très scientifique ..... Le traitement a été suivi tel qu’indiqué pour 1 mois et demi et je suis allé au rendez-vous de suivi. Les yeux de mon chien ce sont améliorés et pendant cette période j’ai pu régler son problème de diarrhée chronique, allergies alimentaires, qui le faisait enfler de partout. Quant à lui, le vétérinaire m’a prescrit de continuer le traitement et les suivis assez onéreux, et vu que la santé de mon chien s’est grandement améliorée en général, j’ai décidé de ne pas poursuivre le traitement pour les yeux sèches de mon chien, et de lui en redonner des goutes au besoin car il me restait du médicament prescrit à la maison. Bien que nous nous connaissions pas du tout moi et ce vétérinaire, et que nous ayons une simple relation marchande, il m’a répondu « Tu ne vas pas revenir me voir en pleurant si la santé de ton chien se détériore », sur un ton arrogant et condescendant (je leur ai donné 500$ pour une heure et demie de travail ça ne lui ai pas effleuré l’esprit le pauvre). Il m’a dit de nouveau ça fait 20 ans que je fais ça et il ne semblait pas vouloir que la secrétaire modifie ma facture et la pointant avec le doigt dans les airs. Ça en dit long sur comment ce type estime sa clientèle ……. Et en plus ce personnage se promène sans masque à l’intérieur de son commerce et parlent à ses collègues de beaucoup trop proches quand eux, elles portent le masque. Vraiment ordinaire aucun respect ce type. Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
28 Mar 2021
Bonjour Mr Milot Je ne répondrai pas à vos commentaires personnels mais sur l'aspect "soin", il est primordial pour notre clinique de clarifier deux points que vous évoquez et qui sont essentiels pour le bien de nos clients actuels et futurs. SANTÉ HUMAINE - SANTÉ DE TOUS. Mon équipe et moi avons fait le choix, depuis le début de la pandémie en mars 2020,de ne pas faire rentrer les clients dans notre clinique pour des raisons de sécurité d'abord et d'efficacité ensuite dans le respect des recommandations de la santé publique. Nous avons mis en place des zones protégées comme par exemple pour nos réceptionnistes (qui ont un aquarium en plexiglas) et ailleurs nous respectons les règles de distanciation sociale. Quand Dr Boutin et moi-même parlons au client derrière la vitrine de la clinique nous ne portons pas de masque pour pouvoir mieux dialoguer avec nos clients et avoir une approche plus humaine et dans cette situation, nous sommes distanciés également des autres personnels de la clinique. De leur côté, nos techniciennes portent une visière lors de la prise en charge puis la remise des animaux à leurs propriétaires (avec avoir pris soin de désinfecter les laisses et les cages). Pour bien expliquer toutes ces procédures visant à garantir la sécurité de tous, nous avons réalisé une vidéo explicative, qui se trouve sur notre site internet et que nous avons aussi partagée sur facebook, et j'invite fortement tous nos clients actuels et futurs à la consulter. SANTÉ ANIMALE - SANTÉ DES YEUX DES ANIMAUX Quand vous nous avez présenté Puppy il y a un mois, un magnifique Boston qui avait des douleurs dans les deux yeux et un état un peu léthargique, nous avons diagnostiqué une maladie oculaire immunitaire, la kératoconjonctivite sèche (KCS) et proposé un traitement que vous avez suivi. Un mois après, nous avons été ravis de constater que Puppy avait retrouvé sa vitalité, avec les yeux ouverts et pétillants et des productions de larmes redevenues presque à la normale. Vous avez alors mentionné à la technicienne et à la Dre Boutin que vous alliez arrêter tous les traitements. Quand je vous ai parlé, je vous ai mentionné que c' est une grave erreur de stopper tous les traitements du jour au lendemain sur votre animal car c'est fortement contre-indiqué en cas de maladie immunitaire. Je vous ai également précisé qu'en raison du prix des traitements, vous pourriez avec votre vétérinaire de famille trouver la fréquence minimale de prise du traitement afin de diminuer vos coûts tout en traitant adéquatement votre animal. Votre choix de ne pas suivre nos recommandations vous appartient et nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de le respecter. Cependant nous pensons qu'il n'est pas le meilleur pour la santé oculaire de Puppy et nous ne pouvons être tenu responsables si son état se dégrade à nouveau alors que le traitement que nous lui avons administré s'est avéré très efficace. J'ai contacté votre vétérinaire de famille, qui vous avait référé notre clinique, pour qu'il puisse être informé et gérer la condition de puppy. Il m'a appris que vous avez aussi décidé de ne plus le consulter... Sachez que nous essayons tous de donner le meilleur de nous-mêmes dans une situation de pandémie qui affecte tant les clients que notre équipe. Nous souhaitons donc le meilleur pour votre chien et espérons que vous trouverez une autre équipe de vétérinaires qui sera à la hauteur de vos attentes et en qui vous aurez confiance. Dr Ollivier
Sylvie Dandurand
30 Jan 2019
Dr. Ollivier is an incredibly knowledgeable specialist who is passionate about his work and he has surrounded himself with an awesome team. A special mention goes to Louise, who is the finest front l... Read More
Dr. Ollivier is an incredibly knowledgeable specialist who is passionate about his work and he has surrounded himself with an awesome team. A special mention goes to Louise, who is the finest front line in Montreal! Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
28 Mar 2021
Thank you so much for your nice comment i will share it with all my team dr ollivier
Dana Newbergher
19 Jun 2018
Absolutely amazing and competent doctors. They were so great with my fur baby.
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Thanks a lot for your comment I will pass it on to the rest of our team . Dr Ollivier
Robert D'Intino
29 Mar 2018
Thank you! Our bulldog had an eye ulcer that wouldn’t heal on it’s own.. the Doc did what was necessary, the dog’s eye looks better, she’s healing, staff was very nice. Great espresso too! Chapeau! M... Read More
Thank you! Our bulldog had an eye ulcer that wouldn’t heal on it’s own.. the Doc did what was necessary, the dog’s eye looks better, she’s healing, staff was very nice. Great espresso too! Chapeau! Merci!Read Less
Queen R.
20 Mar 2018
I was terrified first time going with Mofli my Husky!!! But Dr Olivier, made more easy and understandable
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Hello .I thank you for your nice comment. . Dr ollivier
Wayne Martin
21 Jan 2018
Everyone who takes their pet in for surgery is naturally worried about how things will go. I looked around for the best possible care for our dog, and boy, did we pick the right place! The clinic is v... Read More
Everyone who takes their pet in for surgery is naturally worried about how things will go. I looked around for the best possible care for our dog, and boy, did we pick the right place! The clinic is very well decorated, and we were met by Dr. Ollivier, who was just headed out the door to clean off the snow on the sidewalk. He showed us around the clinic, offered us refreshments, and explained in detail what the procedure would involve, and how long it would take. The surgery went off without a hitch, and before long I was able to pick up my dog, along with detailed instructions for care and follow up. Everyone we met at the clinic was absolutely terrific, Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise most notably since they were the people I spoke to most often. Everyone speaks English with great proficiency, and Dr. Ollivier's French is textbook, a pleasure to hear. If your pet has eye problems, do yourself and your pet a favour and take them here!!! Read Less
Maureen Blackler
21 Jan 2018
Thank you Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise for the exceptional care provided to our puppy Kahlua who required eye surgery 17 January 2018. The extensive personal attention received from Dr Ollivi... Read More
Thank you Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise for the exceptional care provided to our puppy Kahlua who required eye surgery 17 January 2018. The extensive personal attention received from Dr Ollivier, including several phone calls post op, was so very appreciated. Although of no consequence to us and not a factor in our decision since we have pet insurance, noteworthy of mention is that Dr. Ollivier's price was far less than estimates provided by Ontario-based veterinary ophthamologists, and our own vet!, all of whom have fewer credentials. So unusual to meet a vet who charges less as he obviously cares about pets getting the treatment they need! The office is a beautifully decorated store front location on Sherbrooke with ambient lighting and a fountain...lovely. Gabrielle and Louise speak impeccable English, and the good doctor does pretty well too :-), so language never an issue. We highly recommend Clinique veterinaire d'ophtamologie and the wonderful Dr. Ollivier! Read Less
Danica McIntyre
15 Dec 2017
I CAN NOT say enough wonderful things about Dr. Olivier and his team! I am shocked at anyone who has anything negative to say. He's attentive, professional, kind and does an exceptional job explaining... Read More
I CAN NOT say enough wonderful things about Dr. Olivier and his team! I am shocked at anyone who has anything negative to say. He's attentive, professional, kind and does an exceptional job explaining the results of his examinations. I was taking my pug frequently during a month span for re-evaluation and he gave me one appointment free of charge. During every visit I felt at ease and confident that Dr. Olivier's prescribed treatment was the best for my dog. He's amazing and so is his receptionist and technician! Read Less
Tanya Ghingold
13 Nov 2017
Fantastic! Highly recommended. Super staff, facility and service.
Lena Kheirkhah
23 Oct 2017
A small team of dedicated, professional and kind people that make you feel at home and like you and your pet are being well taken care of. This clinic is the definition of practicing great medicine!
Chelsea Dufort
9 Jun 2017
A little over a week post op and Laska's eye is perfect. We're so happy! Thanks to all
Celia Edell
24 Apr 2017
I never thought I'd actually like going to the vet! Dr. Ollivier, Christina and the entire staff are amazing - so kind, helpful and understanding. They did an outstanding job with my cat's entropion s... Read More
I never thought I'd actually like going to the vet! Dr. Ollivier, Christina and the entire staff are amazing - so kind, helpful and understanding. They did an outstanding job with my cat's entropion surgery, and even gave us a lower price because the first method we tried didn't do the trick (a risk we understood and agreed to). They understand that it is a stressful thing to bring an animal all the way to the vet, and are more than happy to discuss small things over email and phone. We are beyond satisfied with our experience here, and if it was a general vet office, we'd absolutely be back! Thank you for all of your amazing help! Butterball sends his love. Read Less
Nancy Sienkiewicz
19 Apr 2017
This clinic has a serene, calm atmosphere, and the staff is very welcoming. However, the real gem is Dr. Ollivier! He was wonderful with my Misha, and even put ME at ease. He explained his criteria fo... Read More
This clinic has a serene, calm atmosphere, and the staff is very welcoming. However, the real gem is Dr. Ollivier! He was wonderful with my Misha, and even put ME at ease. He explained his criteria for a diagnosis, and didn't try to burden me with useless, expensive tests, like a lot of other vets would have. He is a wonderful human being, who gives out great vibes, and could teach 'people' doctors a few things about compassion and patience. I trust him implicitly, and would recommend him without hesitation! Read Less
Alessandra Mezzetti
4 Apr 2017
I am glad I drove in from Gatineau to get clear answers to my dog's issues. Well worth it! Impeccable service, competence and professionalism. Krypto and I wish to thank Dr Ollivier and his team!
Cathie Barrett
24 Feb 2017
The clinic has a lovely atmosphere. Everyone is supportive, friendly, and professional.
Nathalie Boisvert
16 Feb 2017
Nous sommes allé voir Dr Ollivier pour notre boxer Charlot ..ulcère indolent. Nous avons été ravis de notre expérience. Tout le personnel est super gentil et compétent. Nous nous sommes senti en confi... Read More
Nous sommes allé voir Dr Ollivier pour notre boxer Charlot ..ulcère indolent. Nous avons été ravis de notre expérience. Tout le personnel est super gentil et compétent. Nous nous sommes senti en confiance ! Merci! Read Less
Ann Michele Bourret
15 Feb 2017
I received exceptional service from all the staff for my 11 week old puppy. Louise was extremely helpful and reassuring from my first phone call. Upon visiting the clinic Louise, Sébastien and Gabriel... Read More
I received exceptional service from all the staff for my 11 week old puppy. Louise was extremely helpful and reassuring from my first phone call. Upon visiting the clinic Louise, Sébastien and Gabrielle were professional, & friendly. Dr. Ollivier was extremely professional, helpful and reassuring. It is a pleasure to recommend this team as they left no stones unturned in ensuring a great customer experience for Tommy & me! Merci! Read Less
Jennifer Bender Vincent
6 Feb 2017
Excellent clinic. Great, friendly service. Dr. Ollivier really knows his stuff. The staff really care about you and your pet. And very punctual too :)
Nancy Czemmel
22 Dec 2016
Ready, 5 month chocolate lab, and I want to give a big thank you to Dr. Ollivier and staff! Made Ready's first big outing a pleasant experience! Dr. Ollivier is wonderful and gave me the courage to ad... Read More
Ready, 5 month chocolate lab, and I want to give a big thank you to Dr. Ollivier and staff! Made Ready's first big outing a pleasant experience! Dr. Ollivier is wonderful and gave me the courage to adopt another visually impaired dog - nothing is impossible. MERCI! Read Less
Iris L
18 Dec 2016
I am not the person to usually rate on google, however, I've decided to share my experience at the clinic because I know, at least for myself, the concept of vet eye specialist was new for me. When my... Read More
I am not the person to usually rate on google, however, I've decided to share my experience at the clinic because I know, at least for myself, the concept of vet eye specialist was new for me. When my vet told me to visit the Ophtalmo Clinic to make sure my dog didn't have any eye complications, I was stumped. With a recent graduate with limited budget, I knew I had to take him to get him checked, but I was really REALLY worried about the bill. However, when I had called to ask about pricing, the receptionist was genuinely kind to understand my situation and explain the possible approximation of fees. When I made the appointment and went to the clinic, there was a bit of wait, but I realized that is because the vet wanted to be thorough and not rushed with his appointments. The vet, the technicians and the receptionist were very present, making sure we felt comfortable at the clinic, with all the procedures they were about to do. They really take their time in making sure you understand the condition of your pet as accurately as possible. In the end, the bill wasn't much different from the receptionist's approximation, and my regular visits to vets (the case may vary, as my dog did two tests but then again, thats how much it usually costs in regular vets). Overall, my experience was beyond expectation and pleasant, thanks to the staffs. Also, great aesthetics in the clinic! Read Less
Allan Riley
18 Nov 2016
Our experience with Dr. Olivier and his staff was nothing short of stellar. Our Boston terrier had to have one eye removed due to severe glaucoma two years ago. There was a cataract removed from the ... Read More
Our experience with Dr. Olivier and his staff was nothing short of stellar. Our Boston terrier had to have one eye removed due to severe glaucoma two years ago. There was a cataract removed from the existing eye, then six months later glaucoma attacked her good eye. We treated her with drops for two years then things took a turn for the worst. Dr. Olivier had to remove the eye and she is now completely blind. It is to our wonder how well she has recovered and adapted to her situation. It has only been a very short time and she manages our house and yard amazingly. Thank you so much Dr. Olivier, Christina and Louise. There is no need for unnecessary pain. Having no eyes has changed very little for our sweet pup. Read Less
Marc-André Lefebvre
14 Nov 2016
Awesome place with awesome people. They truly care about the well-being of your animal, and not just making profits (unlike a few others in the area). Dr Frank is ... well ... very frank :P But he's ... Read More
Awesome place with awesome people. They truly care about the well-being of your animal, and not just making profits (unlike a few others in the area). Dr Frank is ... well ... very frank :P But he's an expert and there's no denying it. Plus his team is super friendly and pleasant. AWESOME.Read Less
Kathleen Glustein
5 Nov 2016
My parents took their dog here and were very impressed. The doctor took the time to explain everything to them. They also appreciated the technician who spent time with them. They were told all the pr... Read More
My parents took their dog here and were very impressed. The doctor took the time to explain everything to them. They also appreciated the technician who spent time with them. They were told all the prices before hand so there were no surprises. The doctor provided them with a report after the consultation. Overall, a very good experience. Read Less
Tania Hélie Berniquez
14 Oct 2016
Services professionnels accueil chaleureux vraiment tout est parfait on est reparti de la avec notre diagnostique et notre plan!! Adèle vous remercie
Trisha Langill
6 Oct 2016
amazing place!!!! caring staff! amazing vet! Took good care of my 9 year old pug! He can now see again
Kim Forest
21 Sep 2016
Encore un gros merci à tout votre merveilleuse équipe d'avoir pris soins de ma Ti-Mini...Et surtout merci d'avoir trouver une option pour conserver son oeil On se revoit dans 3 semaine
15 Sep 2016
The experience was unbelievable! I waited close to an hour with my 9 month old and my husband who took time off of work just to be there. I told Mr. Ollivier that we had been waiting a long time but b... Read More
The experience was unbelievable! I waited close to an hour with my 9 month old and my husband who took time off of work just to be there. I told Mr. Ollivier that we had been waiting a long time but before I could say anything else he screamed "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU CAN GET OUT OF HERE! I AM THE ONLY OPHTHALMOLOGIST IN MONTREAL!" He yelled right in front of my child! My husband looked at me and said let's get out of here, he's insane. As we waited for an Uber outside I reentered the establishment to say that I would be reporting him, to which he hit me with his plastic doctor's note pad, shattering it! Guess who's being taken to court! The whole experience was truly UNBELIEVABLE. I have never seen a professional be so unprofessional. Read Less
Christine McGrath
6 Sep 2016
Just a great place and amazing service. Thank you for taking care of Target
Tina A
1 Sep 2016
Amazing Doctor ! Sadly I lost an eye a lot sooner than I should have because other veterinarians just did not take the time and make the effort to research more why my eye was red and swelling. So I ... Read More
Amazing Doctor ! Sadly I lost an eye a lot sooner than I should have because other veterinarians just did not take the time and make the effort to research more why my eye was red and swelling. So I was diagnosed with eye infection 3 times till it was too late and I was already blind and in pain. But now I have a great doctor who did the surgery, took away all my pain and now my life is back to normal. Dr Olivier checks my good eye every 6 months for re-evaluation and I would not change him for the world ! Thank you Dr. Olivier ! :-) Gizmo Read Less
Karine Bélanger
10 Aug 2016
Service vraiment excellent. Toute l'équipe est accueillante, rassurante et très professionnelle. Un gros merci de la part de propriétaires inquiets et de Charly (un adorable petit Teckel de 14 ans)
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Ophtalmo Veterinaire

Montreal, Quebec
5666 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal Quebec H4A 1W7
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La clinique vétérinaire d'ophtalmologie Ophtalmo Vétérinaire inc. offre exclusivement des soins oculaires dans un environnement combinant confort et haute technologie. Tout a été pensé pour offrir aux clients et aux animaux un service d'exception.


The clinic ophtalmo veterinaire inc. exclusively offers treatments for ocular diseases in animals, in an environment that combines comfort and high technology. Everything has been thought to offer an exceptionnal service to clients and their pets. 

Peter Leupold
24 May 2023
Visiting Ophtalmo Veterinaire was as wonderful an experience as one could have when their fur baby has a problem! Our best friend, “Mister Cooper” had a fast growing tumor on his eyelid that required ... Read More
Visiting Ophtalmo Veterinaire was as wonderful an experience as one could have when their fur baby has a problem! Our best friend, “Mister Cooper” had a fast growing tumor on his eyelid that required surgery. Thanks to Louise Provost at reception, all the technicians and especially veterinary ophthalmologist & surgeon Dr. Marie-Piers Boutin for the best experience and result. 🐾💕 Read Less
Review Image
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Thank you so much for your comments. i will pass your words to Dre boutin and the rest of our team. It was really nice to treat Mister Cooper as he is a great dog and patient !! We are glad he is doing well . Thanks Dr ollivier
6 Sep 2021
Absolutely one of the best clinics in Montreal! Dr. Ollivier and his staff are professional and friendly, and I always get the best care. I am a German Shepherd dog and I get overly excited when we ... Read More
Absolutely one of the best clinics in Montreal! Dr. Ollivier and his staff are professional and friendly, and I always get the best care. I am a German Shepherd dog and I get overly excited when we go out. But the staff understands my personality and knows how to take care of me. On our last visit to the clinic, it was a very hot and humid day, and when we were greeted at the door, Louise asked my mommy if she wanted a glass of water! What a kind gesture, to think of my owner and not just about me! Thank you! for the care you provide me to help me stay healthy! Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
9 Sep 2021
I would like to take the time to thank you for your very nice comment but also for your understanding regarding the disease that has Atlas as it is a chronic one and he is a nice dog but nervous so not easy to treat . I know you do the best for him and i ma sure he knows this . Our objective is of course to treat the animal but we also want the owner and the animal to have the best , least stressful visit with us. And i think we now got it to function with atlas !! Thanks. Dr ollivier
Laura M
16 Apr 2021
We brought our 16 year old cat to Dr. Ollivier for 2 growths on her eyelids. We didn't consider getting them removed until they blocked her vision as she is a senior cat. We were nervous to put her th... Read More
We brought our 16 year old cat to Dr. Ollivier for 2 growths on her eyelids. We didn't consider getting them removed until they blocked her vision as she is a senior cat. We were nervous to put her through surgery and all that comes with it. Dr. Ollivier examined her and advised us that she is a good candidate for the surgery. He was clear, informative, enthusiastic and put us at ease. We decided to book the surgery right away. On the day of surgery, Dr. Ollivier invited us to download an app to get updates about her throughout the whole process as we couldn't enter the premises during covid. We received messages and photos which put our minds at ease. The communication was clear and concise. The follow up appointment went quickly and smoothly as well. Dr. Ollivier and his staff are very gentle and comforting. Our little girl got her vision back and a new lease on life. We couldn't reccomend this clinic more! It was a pleasure. Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
17 Apr 2021
WOW !! THANKS a lot for this nice comment. I will share it with my team for sure . I am glad first we were able to help your kitty and that we obtain such a good results ...she is good now for a bunch of years !!! And i am also glad that you , as her parents , had a good experience with our clinic as it is always stressful for parents !!! THANKS. Dr ollivier
17 Mar 2021
Je suis allé voir cet ophtalmologue par référence de mon vétérinaire, car mon chien avait une conjonctivite assez sévère. Suite à la consultation qui a durée à peu près 10 minutes, car il voulait fai... Read More
Je suis allé voir cet ophtalmologue par référence de mon vétérinaire, car mon chien avait une conjonctivite assez sévère. Suite à la consultation qui a durée à peu près 10 minutes, car il voulait faire vite mon chien faisait une diarrhée, il m’a dit que le système immunitaire de mon chien attaquait ses glandes lacrymales, kerato-conjonctivite, « maladie des yeux séchés ». Je lui ai demandé s’il avait pris une prise de sang pour faire ce diagnostic, il m’a répondu NON inquiété vous pas ça fait 20 ans que je fais ce métier. J’ai pensé à ce moment-là que ce commentaire n’était pas très scientifique ..... Le traitement a été suivi tel qu’indiqué pour 1 mois et demi et je suis allé au rendez-vous de suivi. Les yeux de mon chien ce sont améliorés et pendant cette période j’ai pu régler son problème de diarrhée chronique, allergies alimentaires, qui le faisait enfler de partout. Quant à lui, le vétérinaire m’a prescrit de continuer le traitement et les suivis assez onéreux, et vu que la santé de mon chien s’est grandement améliorée en général, j’ai décidé de ne pas poursuivre le traitement pour les yeux sèches de mon chien, et de lui en redonner des goutes au besoin car il me restait du médicament prescrit à la maison. Bien que nous nous connaissions pas du tout moi et ce vétérinaire, et que nous ayons une simple relation marchande, il m’a répondu « Tu ne vas pas revenir me voir en pleurant si la santé de ton chien se détériore », sur un ton arrogant et condescendant (je leur ai donné 500$ pour une heure et demie de travail ça ne lui ai pas effleuré l’esprit le pauvre). Il m’a dit de nouveau ça fait 20 ans que je fais ça et il ne semblait pas vouloir que la secrétaire modifie ma facture et la pointant avec le doigt dans les airs. Ça en dit long sur comment ce type estime sa clientèle ……. Et en plus ce personnage se promène sans masque à l’intérieur de son commerce et parlent à ses collègues de beaucoup trop proches quand eux, elles portent le masque. Vraiment ordinaire aucun respect ce type. Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
28 Mar 2021
Bonjour Mr Milot Je ne répondrai pas à vos commentaires personnels mais sur l'aspect "soin", il est primordial pour notre clinique de clarifier deux points que vous évoquez et qui sont essentiels pour le bien de nos clients actuels et futurs. SANTÉ HUMAINE - SANTÉ DE TOUS. Mon équipe et moi avons fait le choix, depuis le début de la pandémie en mars 2020,de ne pas faire rentrer les clients dans notre clinique pour des raisons de sécurité d'abord et d'efficacité ensuite dans le respect des recommandations de la santé publique. Nous avons mis en place des zones protégées comme par exemple pour nos réceptionnistes (qui ont un aquarium en plexiglas) et ailleurs nous respectons les règles de distanciation sociale. Quand Dr Boutin et moi-même parlons au client derrière la vitrine de la clinique nous ne portons pas de masque pour pouvoir mieux dialoguer avec nos clients et avoir une approche plus humaine et dans cette situation, nous sommes distanciés également des autres personnels de la clinique. De leur côté, nos techniciennes portent une visière lors de la prise en charge puis la remise des animaux à leurs propriétaires (avec avoir pris soin de désinfecter les laisses et les cages). Pour bien expliquer toutes ces procédures visant à garantir la sécurité de tous, nous avons réalisé une vidéo explicative, qui se trouve sur notre site internet et que nous avons aussi partagée sur facebook, et j'invite fortement tous nos clients actuels et futurs à la consulter. SANTÉ ANIMALE - SANTÉ DES YEUX DES ANIMAUX Quand vous nous avez présenté Puppy il y a un mois, un magnifique Boston qui avait des douleurs dans les deux yeux et un état un peu léthargique, nous avons diagnostiqué une maladie oculaire immunitaire, la kératoconjonctivite sèche (KCS) et proposé un traitement que vous avez suivi. Un mois après, nous avons été ravis de constater que Puppy avait retrouvé sa vitalité, avec les yeux ouverts et pétillants et des productions de larmes redevenues presque à la normale. Vous avez alors mentionné à la technicienne et à la Dre Boutin que vous alliez arrêter tous les traitements. Quand je vous ai parlé, je vous ai mentionné que c' est une grave erreur de stopper tous les traitements du jour au lendemain sur votre animal car c'est fortement contre-indiqué en cas de maladie immunitaire. Je vous ai également précisé qu'en raison du prix des traitements, vous pourriez avec votre vétérinaire de famille trouver la fréquence minimale de prise du traitement afin de diminuer vos coûts tout en traitant adéquatement votre animal. Votre choix de ne pas suivre nos recommandations vous appartient et nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de le respecter. Cependant nous pensons qu'il n'est pas le meilleur pour la santé oculaire de Puppy et nous ne pouvons être tenu responsables si son état se dégrade à nouveau alors que le traitement que nous lui avons administré s'est avéré très efficace. J'ai contacté votre vétérinaire de famille, qui vous avait référé notre clinique, pour qu'il puisse être informé et gérer la condition de puppy. Il m'a appris que vous avez aussi décidé de ne plus le consulter... Sachez que nous essayons tous de donner le meilleur de nous-mêmes dans une situation de pandémie qui affecte tant les clients que notre équipe. Nous souhaitons donc le meilleur pour votre chien et espérons que vous trouverez une autre équipe de vétérinaires qui sera à la hauteur de vos attentes et en qui vous aurez confiance. Dr Ollivier
Sylvie Dandurand
30 Jan 2019
Dr. Ollivier is an incredibly knowledgeable specialist who is passionate about his work and he has surrounded himself with an awesome team. A special mention goes to Louise, who is the finest front l... Read More
Dr. Ollivier is an incredibly knowledgeable specialist who is passionate about his work and he has surrounded himself with an awesome team. A special mention goes to Louise, who is the finest front line in Montreal! Read Less
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
28 Mar 2021
Thank you so much for your nice comment i will share it with all my team dr ollivier
Dana Newbergher
19 Jun 2018
Absolutely amazing and competent doctors. They were so great with my fur baby.
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Thanks a lot for your comment I will pass it on to the rest of our team . Dr Ollivier
Robert D'Intino
29 Mar 2018
Thank you! Our bulldog had an eye ulcer that wouldn’t heal on it’s own.. the Doc did what was necessary, the dog’s eye looks better, she’s healing, staff was very nice. Great espresso too! Chapeau! M... Read More
Thank you! Our bulldog had an eye ulcer that wouldn’t heal on it’s own.. the Doc did what was necessary, the dog’s eye looks better, she’s healing, staff was very nice. Great espresso too! Chapeau! Merci!Read Less
Queen R.
20 Mar 2018
I was terrified first time going with Mofli my Husky!!! But Dr Olivier, made more easy and understandable
Response from Ophtalmo Veterinaire
24 May 2023
Hello .I thank you for your nice comment. . Dr ollivier
Wayne Martin
21 Jan 2018
Everyone who takes their pet in for surgery is naturally worried about how things will go. I looked around for the best possible care for our dog, and boy, did we pick the right place! The clinic is v... Read More
Everyone who takes their pet in for surgery is naturally worried about how things will go. I looked around for the best possible care for our dog, and boy, did we pick the right place! The clinic is very well decorated, and we were met by Dr. Ollivier, who was just headed out the door to clean off the snow on the sidewalk. He showed us around the clinic, offered us refreshments, and explained in detail what the procedure would involve, and how long it would take. The surgery went off without a hitch, and before long I was able to pick up my dog, along with detailed instructions for care and follow up. Everyone we met at the clinic was absolutely terrific, Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise most notably since they were the people I spoke to most often. Everyone speaks English with great proficiency, and Dr. Ollivier's French is textbook, a pleasure to hear. If your pet has eye problems, do yourself and your pet a favour and take them here!!! Read Less
Maureen Blackler
21 Jan 2018
Thank you Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise for the exceptional care provided to our puppy Kahlua who required eye surgery 17 January 2018. The extensive personal attention received from Dr Ollivi... Read More
Thank you Dr. Ollivier, Gabrielle, and Louise for the exceptional care provided to our puppy Kahlua who required eye surgery 17 January 2018. The extensive personal attention received from Dr Ollivier, including several phone calls post op, was so very appreciated. Although of no consequence to us and not a factor in our decision since we have pet insurance, noteworthy of mention is that Dr. Ollivier's price was far less than estimates provided by Ontario-based veterinary ophthamologists, and our own vet!, all of whom have fewer credentials. So unusual to meet a vet who charges less as he obviously cares about pets getting the treatment they need! The office is a beautifully decorated store front location on Sherbrooke with ambient lighting and a fountain...lovely. Gabrielle and Louise speak impeccable English, and the good doctor does pretty well too :-), so language never an issue. We highly recommend Clinique veterinaire d'ophtamologie and the wonderful Dr. Ollivier! Read Less
Danica McIntyre
15 Dec 2017
I CAN NOT say enough wonderful things about Dr. Olivier and his team! I am shocked at anyone who has anything negative to say. He's attentive, professional, kind and does an exceptional job explaining... Read More
I CAN NOT say enough wonderful things about Dr. Olivier and his team! I am shocked at anyone who has anything negative to say. He's attentive, professional, kind and does an exceptional job explaining the results of his examinations. I was taking my pug frequently during a month span for re-evaluation and he gave me one appointment free of charge. During every visit I felt at ease and confident that Dr. Olivier's prescribed treatment was the best for my dog. He's amazing and so is his receptionist and technician! Read Less
Tanya Ghingold
13 Nov 2017
Fantastic! Highly recommended. Super staff, facility and service.
Lena Kheirkhah
23 Oct 2017
A small team of dedicated, professional and kind people that make you feel at home and like you and your pet are being well taken care of. This clinic is the definition of practicing great medicine!
Chelsea Dufort
9 Jun 2017
A little over a week post op and Laska's eye is perfect. We're so happy! Thanks to all
Celia Edell
24 Apr 2017
I never thought I'd actually like going to the vet! Dr. Ollivier, Christina and the entire staff are amazing - so kind, helpful and understanding. They did an outstanding job with my cat's entropion s... Read More
I never thought I'd actually like going to the vet! Dr. Ollivier, Christina and the entire staff are amazing - so kind, helpful and understanding. They did an outstanding job with my cat's entropion surgery, and even gave us a lower price because the first method we tried didn't do the trick (a risk we understood and agreed to). They understand that it is a stressful thing to bring an animal all the way to the vet, and are more than happy to discuss small things over email and phone. We are beyond satisfied with our experience here, and if it was a general vet office, we'd absolutely be back! Thank you for all of your amazing help! Butterball sends his love. Read Less
Nancy Sienkiewicz
19 Apr 2017
This clinic has a serene, calm atmosphere, and the staff is very welcoming. However, the real gem is Dr. Ollivier! He was wonderful with my Misha, and even put ME at ease. He explained his criteria fo... Read More
This clinic has a serene, calm atmosphere, and the staff is very welcoming. However, the real gem is Dr. Ollivier! He was wonderful with my Misha, and even put ME at ease. He explained his criteria for a diagnosis, and didn't try to burden me with useless, expensive tests, like a lot of other vets would have. He is a wonderful human being, who gives out great vibes, and could teach 'people' doctors a few things about compassion and patience. I trust him implicitly, and would recommend him without hesitation! Read Less
Alessandra Mezzetti
4 Apr 2017
I am glad I drove in from Gatineau to get clear answers to my dog's issues. Well worth it! Impeccable service, competence and professionalism. Krypto and I wish to thank Dr Ollivier and his team!
Cathie Barrett
24 Feb 2017
The clinic has a lovely atmosphere. Everyone is supportive, friendly, and professional.
Nathalie Boisvert
16 Feb 2017
Nous sommes allé voir Dr Ollivier pour notre boxer Charlot ..ulcère indolent. Nous avons été ravis de notre expérience. Tout le personnel est super gentil et compétent. Nous nous sommes senti en confi... Read More
Nous sommes allé voir Dr Ollivier pour notre boxer Charlot ..ulcère indolent. Nous avons été ravis de notre expérience. Tout le personnel est super gentil et compétent. Nous nous sommes senti en confiance ! Merci! Read Less
Ann Michele Bourret
15 Feb 2017
I received exceptional service from all the staff for my 11 week old puppy. Louise was extremely helpful and reassuring from my first phone call. Upon visiting the clinic Louise, Sébastien and Gabriel... Read More
I received exceptional service from all the staff for my 11 week old puppy. Louise was extremely helpful and reassuring from my first phone call. Upon visiting the clinic Louise, Sébastien and Gabrielle were professional, & friendly. Dr. Ollivier was extremely professional, helpful and reassuring. It is a pleasure to recommend this team as they left no stones unturned in ensuring a great customer experience for Tommy & me! Merci! Read Less
Jennifer Bender Vincent
6 Feb 2017
Excellent clinic. Great, friendly service. Dr. Ollivier really knows his stuff. The staff really care about you and your pet. And very punctual too :)
Nancy Czemmel
22 Dec 2016
Ready, 5 month chocolate lab, and I want to give a big thank you to Dr. Ollivier and staff! Made Ready's first big outing a pleasant experience! Dr. Ollivier is wonderful and gave me the courage to ad... Read More
Ready, 5 month chocolate lab, and I want to give a big thank you to Dr. Ollivier and staff! Made Ready's first big outing a pleasant experience! Dr. Ollivier is wonderful and gave me the courage to adopt another visually impaired dog - nothing is impossible. MERCI! Read Less
Iris L
18 Dec 2016
I am not the person to usually rate on google, however, I've decided to share my experience at the clinic because I know, at least for myself, the concept of vet eye specialist was new for me. When my... Read More
I am not the person to usually rate on google, however, I've decided to share my experience at the clinic because I know, at least for myself, the concept of vet eye specialist was new for me. When my vet told me to visit the Ophtalmo Clinic to make sure my dog didn't have any eye complications, I was stumped. With a recent graduate with limited budget, I knew I had to take him to get him checked, but I was really REALLY worried about the bill. However, when I had called to ask about pricing, the receptionist was genuinely kind to understand my situation and explain the possible approximation of fees. When I made the appointment and went to the clinic, there was a bit of wait, but I realized that is because the vet wanted to be thorough and not rushed with his appointments. The vet, the technicians and the receptionist were very present, making sure we felt comfortable at the clinic, with all the procedures they were about to do. They really take their time in making sure you understand the condition of your pet as accurately as possible. In the end, the bill wasn't much different from the receptionist's approximation, and my regular visits to vets (the case may vary, as my dog did two tests but then again, thats how much it usually costs in regular vets). Overall, my experience was beyond expectation and pleasant, thanks to the staffs. Also, great aesthetics in the clinic! Read Less
Allan Riley
18 Nov 2016
Our experience with Dr. Olivier and his staff was nothing short of stellar. Our Boston terrier had to have one eye removed due to severe glaucoma two years ago. There was a cataract removed from the ... Read More
Our experience with Dr. Olivier and his staff was nothing short of stellar. Our Boston terrier had to have one eye removed due to severe glaucoma two years ago. There was a cataract removed from the existing eye, then six months later glaucoma attacked her good eye. We treated her with drops for two years then things took a turn for the worst. Dr. Olivier had to remove the eye and she is now completely blind. It is to our wonder how well she has recovered and adapted to her situation. It has only been a very short time and she manages our house and yard amazingly. Thank you so much Dr. Olivier, Christina and Louise. There is no need for unnecessary pain. Having no eyes has changed very little for our sweet pup. Read Less
Marc-André Lefebvre
14 Nov 2016
Awesome place with awesome people. They truly care about the well-being of your animal, and not just making profits (unlike a few others in the area). Dr Frank is ... well ... very frank :P But he's ... Read More
Awesome place with awesome people. They truly care about the well-being of your animal, and not just making profits (unlike a few others in the area). Dr Frank is ... well ... very frank :P But he's an expert and there's no denying it. Plus his team is super friendly and pleasant. AWESOME.Read Less
Kathleen Glustein
5 Nov 2016
My parents took their dog here and were very impressed. The doctor took the time to explain everything to them. They also appreciated the technician who spent time with them. They were told all the pr... Read More
My parents took their dog here and were very impressed. The doctor took the time to explain everything to them. They also appreciated the technician who spent time with them. They were told all the prices before hand so there were no surprises. The doctor provided them with a report after the consultation. Overall, a very good experience. Read Less
Tania Hélie Berniquez
14 Oct 2016
Services professionnels accueil chaleureux vraiment tout est parfait on est reparti de la avec notre diagnostique et notre plan!! Adèle vous remercie
Trisha Langill
6 Oct 2016
amazing place!!!! caring staff! amazing vet! Took good care of my 9 year old pug! He can now see again
Kim Forest
21 Sep 2016
Encore un gros merci à tout votre merveilleuse équipe d'avoir pris soins de ma Ti-Mini...Et surtout merci d'avoir trouver une option pour conserver son oeil On se revoit dans 3 semaine
15 Sep 2016
The experience was unbelievable! I waited close to an hour with my 9 month old and my husband who took time off of work just to be there. I told Mr. Ollivier that we had been waiting a long time but b... Read More
The experience was unbelievable! I waited close to an hour with my 9 month old and my husband who took time off of work just to be there. I told Mr. Ollivier that we had been waiting a long time but before I could say anything else he screamed "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU CAN GET OUT OF HERE! I AM THE ONLY OPHTHALMOLOGIST IN MONTREAL!" He yelled right in front of my child! My husband looked at me and said let's get out of here, he's insane. As we waited for an Uber outside I reentered the establishment to say that I would be reporting him, to which he hit me with his plastic doctor's note pad, shattering it! Guess who's being taken to court! The whole experience was truly UNBELIEVABLE. I have never seen a professional be so unprofessional. Read Less
Christine McGrath
6 Sep 2016
Just a great place and amazing service. Thank you for taking care of Target
Tina A
1 Sep 2016
Amazing Doctor ! Sadly I lost an eye a lot sooner than I should have because other veterinarians just did not take the time and make the effort to research more why my eye was red and swelling. So I ... Read More
Amazing Doctor ! Sadly I lost an eye a lot sooner than I should have because other veterinarians just did not take the time and make the effort to research more why my eye was red and swelling. So I was diagnosed with eye infection 3 times till it was too late and I was already blind and in pain. But now I have a great doctor who did the surgery, took away all my pain and now my life is back to normal. Dr Olivier checks my good eye every 6 months for re-evaluation and I would not change him for the world ! Thank you Dr. Olivier ! :-) Gizmo Read Less
Karine Bélanger
10 Aug 2016
Service vraiment excellent. Toute l'équipe est accueillante, rassurante et très professionnelle. Un gros merci de la part de propriétaires inquiets et de Charly (un adorable petit Teckel de 14 ans)
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