"good vet and staff at hayle and do a good job for all are 9 dogs and 7 cats and it is nice to see we got a good vet and staff in hayleas well ..........."
"good vet and staff at hayle and do a good job for all are 9 dogs and 7 cats and it is nice to see we got a good vet and staff in hayleas well ..........."
"Lovely, caring staff who are worth their weight in gold! I've always used this vets for my two dogs but this past week the staff here have really exce..."
"Lovely, caring staff who are worth their weight in gold! I've always used this vets for my two dogs but this past week the staff here have really exce..."
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{{business.town}} {{business.postCode}}
Date & Time
{{wizard.step2.selectedDate | date}} at {{wizard.step2.getTimeStr(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}{{wizard.step2.getTimeStrAMPM(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}