"The vets at BF are excellent ..and very caring. We've been going to them for years with all our pets. The staff is friendly, and it's obvious everyone..."
"The vets at BF are excellent ..and very caring. We've been going to them for years with all our pets. The staff is friendly, and it's obvious everyone..."
"' CT from Motherlode Veterinary hospital killed my dog Tammi
I am a client at this clinic since 2015 and loved it there under the original owner Dr T..."
"' CT from Motherlode Veterinary hospital killed my dog Tammi
I am a client at this clinic since 2015 and loved it there under the original owner Dr T..."
Have you booked online with {{websiteCompanyNameText}} before?
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Mobile Number
Pet Name
Reason for appointment
{{business.town}} {{business.postCode}}
Date & Time
{{wizard.step2.selectedDate | date}} at {{wizard.step2.getTimeStr(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}{{wizard.step2.getTimeStrAMPM(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}